Monday, November 23, 2009


Many of you have probably not heard of Cierra Ashley. I hadn't either until about a month ago, and I am telling you, this stuff is great! If you like your house to smell good, but are paranoid about burning a candle, or tired of melting wax, this solves all of your problems. It is a fragrance fan that uses scented oil and wicks. You just set the can of oil on the fan holder, add as many wicks to the oil to make it as strong as you'd like, turn on the fan, and start smelling the nice aroma. I am telling you, it is great! I don't usually buy into all this stuff, but when I heard about this, it sounded like just what I needed for my old house. I also thought it would be great for my photography studio. It has exceeded my expectations. I love it when people walk into the studio and say, "Oh, it smells so good in here." Love it! I will get some photos up soon, so you can see what I'm talking about. For now, here is a link to my website, so you can look the product over. Anyone interested in purchasing, you can order or contact me through the website, or if you want to earn FREE PRODUCT, hosting an open house is a great way! They are lots of fun, and very low-key. Your guests just come and leave as they like and get to smell lots of yummy scents! Can't wait for you to try it. Anyone that would like to see it in real life, can visit Macfarlane Photography in Riverside!

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